Teen Dorm Code of Conduct

  1. We are guests on the Pitzer College campus. This means we should be courteous to any Pitzer staff and their other guests, and we must abide by the rules of Pitzer at all times:

    • No smoking

    • No alcoholic beverages

    • No illegal substances of any kind

    • No intentional or negligent destruction of property

    • No fireworks, firearms of any kind, cooking flames, hot plates, or any other materials which could create a fire hazard.

  2. LASI is a closed campus. You may not leave the campus (on foot or by car) for any reason without first asking either the teen dorm supervisor or institute director. You may only leave campus with your parent, legal guardian, or a LASI staff member. Students will not be allowed to leave the campus by themselves.

  3. No students residing in the teen dorm may ride in a vehicle driven by anyone other than a LASI staff member, or the student’s parent or legal guardian. This applies to vehicles driven only on campus, as well as off-campus excursions.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in an immediate dismissal from the institute. While at LASI, we are responsible for your well-being. These rules must be enforced for your safety. Please abide by these rules, as there will be no warnings, no compromises, and no exceptions.

In-House Rules

  1. As there are families with young children in the dorm, there will be enforced “Quiet Hours” from 10:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. During these hours, the following rules will apply:

    • No practicing during quiet hours.

    • No loud stereo playing during quiet hours (“loud” = audible outside your own room).

    • No gathering in the hallway areas of the dorm during quiet hours (instead, gather in the dorm lobby areas).

  2. Curfew: In rooms by 10:30 p.m. In your own room with lights out by 11:00 p.m.

  3. Attend all play-ins, concerts, and recitals. Attend all of your classes.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in being “dormed” (not allowed out of dorm except for classes and meals).